The hype of a new year is gone and so is the motivation for your resolutions. Now what?
Keeping your 2024 resolutions going strong into the year
It’s almost February, and with that, the first month of 2024 comes to an end. After the glitz of the new year has worn off and your resolutions seem a little less shiny and attainable than they were a few weeks earlier, you may be feeling a slump in reaching your 2024 goals – and you’re not alone.
In our increasingly digital world, it’s easy to feel like you’re staying behind while everyone else is getting ahead. However, it’s crucial to remember in these moments of self-doubt that what you see online is often a highlight reel, and oftentimes, many struggles, lows, and failures precede these moments of shareable glory. Reality isn’t always filled with wins and highs, but it’s important to keep the journey going and stay focused on your resolutions, even when time passes and you feel less-than-enthused to stay on track.
We’ll go over how to build sustainable habits, find accountability and support in your network, and seek ways to stay inspired through the thick of your resolutions journey. Let’s dive in.
Building sustainable habits
Every year, millions of people set inspiring, audacious goals for the new year. If you find yourself losing steam from reaching those grand visions of a better you in 2024, you’re not alone. Whether professional or personal, many find themselves dropping off a few weeks in, frustrated by the lack of progress or disheartened by the work and length of the journey.
Why do so many people give up on their resolutions only a few weeks into the new year? The answer is simple: they set big goals with little planning on how to reach them. A great way to keep the momentum going is to take your big resolutions for the year and break them down into smaller, more attainable goals that you can reach monthly or quarterly. Try to remember that progress trumps perfection, and baby steps are still steps.
Breaking down big goals into smaller steps won’t just make the process less daunting, it’ll also reward you for doing the work along the way and help you build sustainable habits that will last you a lifetime, not just a few months. Creating a list of micro-goals will also help you avoid burnout and stay consistent. Consistency outlives motivation any day, and when you “just don’t feel like” doing something, consistency will take you further along than motivation ever can.
Finding accountability and support
Once you’ve broken down your 2024 resolutions into smaller, more attainable chunks, it’s important to find accountability and support within your network of peers. Oftentimes, resolutions can feel like an isolated, solo experience. While it’s true that reflection and self-appraisal are heavily involved in the process, goal-setting and reaching should be a collaborative experience where you can draw inspiration and gain accountability from your network.
If you haven’t shared your 2024 resolutions with anybody, consider using a platform like LinkedIn to write about your experience so far and what you hope to accomplish by the end of the year. Posting your goals online will help you find like-minded people who are also working towards something big and want to find similar support. Knowing that someone else is invested in your success can be a great motivating factor in your journey.
If you find that you’re surrounded by negative energy or people who give up easily and talk you into doing the same, consider building a more supportive network of individuals who share your aspirations and ambitions. Finding a community of go-getters can help inspire you to keep reaching for your goals and make the journey and progress more exciting.
Staying inspired
Resolutions can seem appealing when they’re packaged in a shiny, “New Year, New Me” bundle that’s crafted in a post-holiday atmosphere buzzing with anticipation, excitement, and promise. In reality, they’re much less enticing when you’re trudging through the thick of it, weaving through peaks and valleys on the journey to the other side. Inspiration comes and goes in waves, and it can be difficult to stay inspired with the many responsibilities and stressors that inevitably come with life.
If you find yourself feeling stuck on your journey, here are a few ways you can keep yourself inspired to stay on track and reach your goals, one step at a time.
Seek out thought leaders who inspire you and join communities around their networks.
Find new ways to unwind, whether by learning a new skill or following a new creative pursuit.
Disconnect and take time to build up healthy relationships and support systems.
Visualize your goals regularly to keep them top of mind when things get tough.
There are many things you can do to stay inspired on your journey, and while there is no one-size-fits-all approach, it’s important to give yourself the time and space to feel ready to take the next steps toward reaching your goals. Doing things that bring you joy and peace will help you deal with burnout and stay on track.
As we get deeper into 2024, it can be difficult to maintain the momentum toward reaching your New Year’s resolutions. If you’re feeling stuck or unmotivated, try to break down your goals into smaller, more attainable chunks, find accountability and support within your community, and challenge yourself to find inspiration outside of where you normally would.
Remember that you’re never alone on this journey, and success often comes with failure and learnings behind it. I’m on your team, and I’m rooting for you. Together, we can stick to our goals and make 2024 the best year yet.